Monday, January 28, 2008
We Are Back !!!
But I couldn't reply to all this mails and explain why we "close" this page(s) for a couple of days.
"A private blog it's not a solution, so Don't send me requests for invitations. You will not have access for some days...that's all."
We had to back-up all the info and covers for all 4 Lost-In-Tyme pages.
That give us the possibility to open a New Lost-In-Tyme if blogger take "actions" against my account.
"Please note that repeated violations to our Terms of Service may result in further remedial action taken against your Blogger account."
Let's focus to the problem.
There is someone out there (mr. Shawn Gordon & P.A.P.)
who is trying to stop the illegal downloads...from thieves like us who offering,
and thieves like you who steal the mp3's. (This is his opinion about music blogs)
As you know 90% of the albums posted in this blog(s) are oop or unavailable for purchase, and the main purpose of this blog
it's to introduce the artists/bands to you.
We never said no to someone who request from us to remove the link or a post.
(Actually we ask for them also to give us a link for a place that you can buy the album directly from the artist --If this isn't promotion then what is ?--)
Let's see what albums have been deleted recently (among others)
from mr. Shawn Gordon & his gangs :
The Chemistry Set – Sounds Like Painting (Unreleased LP)
Offered from the Artist
Roger Humphreys - 1996 - Beyond the Wall of Sleep
Offered from the Artist
The Sun Blindness - 2007 - Like Pearly Clouds
Shared with Permission
Various Artists - Maidens In The Moor Lay Vol. III
Homemade compilation - mostly oop tracks
Various Artists - 1988 - The October Country
LP Only compilation (oop)
Various Artists - Boulders
LP Only compilation (oop)
...the list it's huge...
"Look bloggers, its very simple, copyright holder entails that they have certain rights - akin to rights of privacy that you all value highly - that will trump any of the anarchist thought swirling around. There maybe bloggers that actually work w/ the labels and remove stuff when notified but when you see links deleted that get reupped only because folks missed before they received complaints, then you lose the high ground in any event."
So you trying to tell me that this files should not be re-upped ?
I can't know if a link reported from someone who had the right to do it...or from someone who haven't have something better to do in his life (Like you mr. president).
You can ask from me to delete the files and not from rapidshare.
(If you have time for only one mail...otherwise you can contact me And rapidshare)
And i will delete/remove the link(s).
It's that simple. Don't try to close Lost-In-Tyme by sending DMCA complaints.
This will bring a negative result from that you're trying to do.
If you're trying to stop me...I'll try to do the same.
A war you give, a war you'll get.
Read more about those good people here :
More Tomorrow.
The Sun Blindness - 2007 - Like Pearly Clouds (repost)
Usually when I hear a locally based band, I have trouble taking it completely seriously. I start thinking "Well I could do it better," or "Wow, that sounds like a poor man's (insert name of famous band)." Not so here. After hearing the Sun Blindness' album I instantly became a drooling fanboy. I'm up at almost 3:30 in the morning compelled to write about this duo. This completely obscure release from Australia quickly rocketed into my top five albums for 2007.
The Sun Blindness manages some completely narcotic sounds from the onset of opening track "Our Glassy Selves." Once we get past that fine intro we find ourselves in a forest of psychedelic sound for the length of the records. There are perfect webs of guitar layered with the sparsest percussion. It recalls, but doesn't copy, the Spacemen 3 sound circa Playing With Fire. Possibly topping that classic psych band, the Sun Blindness manages to fuse the softer side of Sonic Boom's drones with the proto-spiritualized sound of Jason Pierce's songs in a way that the Spacemen were never able to do. I also hear the influence of the completely ethereal Flying Saucer Attack with a hint of the pop touch of the Elephant 6 bands.
Some of the highlights here include "Flash In The Cosmic Pan," which is like a 60's pop song boiled down to it's psychedelic essence. The gauze relaxes just a bit for the psych-folk "It's Only 3am," and then returns in its full-on, yet subtle droning force on "A Trip In A Painted World."
The only thing holding this back from a full five star rating is a little lack of diversity. The songs here inhabit the same world of sound, but a fine one it is. This is the kind of album that you simply have to let wash over you and take over. Being only a debut, I hope that the Sun Blindness finds the stamina to continue. I wouldn't be at all surprised if these fellows managed to create a complete classic down the road; this one is certainly a contender already. Make sure to visit their myspace site at:
Buy Me:
The Sun Blindness - 2007 - Like Pearly Clouds
Listen To Me:
The Sun Blindness - 2007 - Like Pearly Clouds
Glaze Of Cathexis - 2008 - The Holographic Universe
There's a lot a debate concerning the legality of downloaded music on music blogs. My position is that I try to keep links for recent releases off of my site as those artists are on the frontline of the market, and do deserve some income for their recording troubles. For older albums, it certainly is a gray area, but I have no guilt about downloading a long out-of-print album, and I've bought quite a few older albums that I never would have thought about otherwise after having heard it first on the net.
Anyway, for this post I'm the artist and I'm happy to share my music with you. David Byrne stated in his now infamous interview that album cost almost nothing to record these day, and barring my instrument purchases over the past 13 years, all this album cost to make was well-enjoyed time. I consider my sound to be a probably muddy mix of all the psych groups I review on my blog (with an emphasis on the shoegazers), along with a dose of David Bowie. I suppose the quality of my music is key as to whether I'm supporting or hurting Byrne's statement, but that's for you to decide.
If you do like this music and would like to financially support my music making, you're certainly welcome to (but not at all obliged). Go to and contribute whatever you want to Radiohead-style to I'd be happy to professionally master the next set of records, have someone make more swank artwork, be able to buy a Moog, or take my wife out to dinner more (well, it can't be ALL about the music). But the bottom line is that I've made this because I enjoy it, and I'd love for you to hear it and hopefully enjoy it too!
Pay For Me (care of
Glaze Of Cathexis - 2008 - The Holographic Universe
Listen To Me:
Glaze Of Cathexis - 2008 - The Holographic Universe
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Lost-In-Tyme It's Under Attack !!!
Someone it's trying to close Lost-In-Tyme...
Please note
that repeated violations to our Terms of Service
may result in further remedial action
taken against your Blogger account.
So I have to close this blog(s) before that happens.I know that it sounds hard for all (especially for me)
But this blog it's not only download links.
It's a HUGE MUSIC LIBRARY and I can't let anyone to destroy it.
I will close tomorrow all pages.
(at least 'till I found a solution for this problem)
A private blog it's not a solution, so Don't send me requests for invitations.
You will not have access for some days...that's all.
Any proposals are welcome.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
The Smoke (US) - 1968 - The Smoke [Vinyl]

I must confess that I never heard of this band before, I was working on my British Invasion files and was searching for The Smoke [UK] – The Smoke [1967].
So I was very pleased when I heard this one and thought it might fit in nicely on Lost In Tyme. mentions that it is never released on CD so this must be a Vinyl rip which you almost can’t hear… and I did found also the Smoke from the UK but posted that one somewhere else..
Track list;
01-Cowboys and Indians. 2:44
02-Looking through the mirror. 1:45
03-Self analysis. 2:53
04-Gold is the color of thought. 3:04
05-The hobbit symphony. 3:56
06-The daisy – intermission. 0:26
07-Fogbound. 2:20
08-Song thru perception. 1:44
09-Philosophy. 0:44
10-Umbrella. 2:26
11-Ritual gypsy music opus 1. 0:14
12-October country. 2:45
13-Odyssey. 3:45
Style; Psychedelic
The Chemistry Set – Sounds Like Painting (Unreleased LP)
There was a time before the internet when if you wanted to know what was going on in the world of Psychedelia you would purchase one of the hundreds of fanzines around the world. Like Bucketful of Brains, Freakbeat, The BOB, Rockerilla, Ruta 66 and Sound Affects, to name just a few.
In the late 1980’s The Chemistry Set appeared in fanzines all around the globe. From the UK to France, Spain, Italy, Holland, Germany, Sweden, Japan, USA, Australia and New Zealand
Some of these fanzines used to give away flexi discs (for younger readers these were 7” floppy plastic records) that used to last for about 5 plays if you were lucky. For a period from 1988 – 1990 it seemed that every other fanzine were giving away a Chemistry Set flexi disc.
Formed in London in 1987, The Chemistry Set comprised of Ashley Wood
(Guitars and vocals), Paul Lake (guitars and vocals), Henry Taprell (bass) and David Mclean (drums and vocals)
They came together through a mutual friend and a mutual love of Psychedelia. Their influences were: Syd Barrett, Robyn Hitchcock, Tomorrow, UK Psych, the 4 B’s (Beatles, Beach Boys, Buffalo Springfield & The Byrds), Love, Moby Grape, The Yardbirds & The Misunderstood (particularly the use of the volume pedal, check out the quiet part of “Wake up Sometimes”) and Hendrix.
They spent the first 6 months of their existence in the laboratory (AKA a rehearsal studio in Kensington, London) before hitting the road.
An early stage favourite “Batmutation Overdrive” was the Batman Theme that careered into Interstellar Overdrive and could last anywhere from 5-15 minutes depending on the crowd reaction.
Covers that were played at early gigs were “She Don’t Care About Time”, “Renaissance Fair” & “Lady Friend” by The Byrds, Dylan’s “Tombstone Blues” and The Buffalo’s “Mr Soul” (later recorded at the ” Wake up sometime” sessions)
During their existence they also covered “See Emily Play” by The Floyd (recorded and released on Imaginary records Syd Barrett tribute “Beyond the Wildwood”, “Faintly Blowing” by Kaleidoscope and “A House Is Not A Motel” by Love (recorded and released on Spanish LP “Wake up Sometime”)
The Chemistry Set could be found playing weekly in London @ venues like The Marquee, The Borderline, The Greyhound, Rough Trade Record Shop & regularly at Alice in Wonderland. They played with Robyn Hitchcock, Bevis Frond, The Steppes and even good old Hawkwind.
The bands rehearsal sessions were more like gigs. Every Saturday a trail of about 50 freaks and hippies would make their way to the rehearsal studio, where they would watch a 4 hour freakout and jam session. Greg Shaw once paid a visit with The Steppes and a Chem Set/Steppes jam session ensued.
In February 1989 The Chemistry Set entered into Raven Farm Recording Studios to record their first LP; Sound Like Painting. The LP was finished and ready for release in April 1989. Interviewed at the time by Bucketful of Brains, they had been offered a number of deals from record companies; Voxx (USA), Music Maniac (Germany), Resonance (Holland) & Romilar-d (Spain) but were holding out to see who else would come along.
The BOB (USA) review of Sounds Like Painting
The band sent out about 200 copies of the LP to record companies, fanzines, magazines and radio stations and it was “Sounds Like Painting” that became the main reference point for the band.
Sounds Like Painting was never released.
Jim Mcgarry, Head of the Rainbow Quartz label said ” It is one of my favorite albums of all time”

This was early unfinished artwork for the LP.
1. Some People Never Learn
2. The Candleburns
3. The Look Inside
4. Acacia Gardens
5. Sittin’ on Top of the World
6. Orange Juice Sun
7. Living Alone
8. The Dreams That I Saw Yesterday
9. Minas Tirith
10. Under The Valley
Enjoy from the master tapes @320k
The band went on to release many singles, an LP for a Spanish label and numerous compilation appearances but they never again reached the heights that was “Sounds Like Painting”.
Note that the version found here is not the finished “mixed” LP. This is an earlier rough mix (with count-in’s etc) that has more power than the finished version.
“Sounds Like Painting” and most of the above article
first appeared on the great “It’s Psych” forum.
David Mclean 11 Jan 2008
The Third Bardo - The Third Bardo
1(A) LOSE YOUR MIND (7") (Sundazed SEP 106) 1993
2(A) THE THIRD BARDO (10") (Sundazed SEP 10-160) 2000
NB: (1) contains Five Years Ahead Of My Time, Lose Your Mind, I Can't Understand Your Problem and Dawn Of Tomorrow. The latter three are previously unreleased. The EP was released on yellow vinyl. (2) gathers all their 1967 recordings - essentially adding two versions of My Rainbow Life (one previously unheard) to the 7" EP tracks. 45: 1(A) I'm Five Years Ahead Of My Time/My Rainbow Life (Roulette 4742) 1967 A New York outfit. Their name, chosen by lead singer Jeffrey Monn and extracted from the 'The Tibetan Book of the Dead', refers to a "return to reality". The inclusion of I'm Five Years Ahead Of My Time on Pebbles, Vol. 3 (LP) has made it something of a classic among collectors of psychedelic punk. Deservedly so in view of its haunting intro and fine fuzztone guitar work. Subsequently it has resurfaced on other compilations:- Born Bad (The Songs The Cramps Taught Us), Songs We Taught The Cramps, Nuggets Box (4-CD), Pebbles Vol. 3 (CD), Trash Box (5-CD) and Best of Pebbles, Vol. 1 (LP & CD). Rusty Evans of The Deep/Freak Scene wrote the 45 for The Third Bardo along with songwriter Victoria Pike, who was married to The Third Bardo's producer Teddy Randazzo (of Roulette Records) at the time. The excellent flip side of the 45 can also be heard on Vile Vinyl, Vol. 2 (LP) and Magic Carpet Ride (LP) whilst another version of it appears on Freak Scene's Psychedelic Psoul LP. If that wasn't enough, David Walters (author of the excellent "Children of Nuggets" book) has pointed out that the version of My Rainbow Life on Glimpses, Vol. 4 (LP) is an acetate version, 20 seconds shorter than the final single and with a different mix! Both sides of the 45 can also be now heard on Psychedelic Microdots Of The Sixties, Vol. 3 (CD). In the early seventies, their lead singer Neufeld released an album under another pseudonym, Chris Moon. In the 1980s The Nomads did a fine cover version of I'm Five Years Ahead Of My Time and Kenne Highland's Majestic Gizmos reworked it into He's Five Beers Ahead Of Your Time (!) on the LP of that name. In 1999, Rusty Evans has helped re-record I'm Five Years Ahead Of My Time, My Rainbow Life and a number of other tracks with his son's band Kaos. Although currently unreleased, the new recordings are great, capturing the spirit of the originals. Rusty may also be writing some new material for The Third Bardo themselves, who played live again on May 16th 1999 with a line-up of Jeff Moon aka Neufeld, Damian Kelly and Ricky GoldClang from the original band. As for former drummer Bruce Ginsburg, his whereabouts are unknown - somewhere in California, whilst Richie Seslowe sadly died of a drug overdose in the eighties. (Vernon Joynson / Max Waller / John P. Melendez)
source :
Download It Here :
Friday, January 11, 2008
[#231402755] Blogger DMCA Complaint received
allegedly infringes upon the copyrights of others. The content in question
is located in the following posts:
The notice that we received, with any personally identifying
information removed, will be posted online by a service called Chilling
Effects at We do this
in accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Please
note that it may take Chilling Effects up to several weeks to post the
notice online at the link provided.
The Blogger Team
Thursday, January 10, 2008
V.A. - Boulders Vols 1-11

more obscure approach to unearthing 1960s garage music,
in both the rarities unearthed and the fidelity and graphics of the packages.
~Richie Unterberger, All Music Guide
Enjoy !!!
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
DMCA Complaint received
instead to contact us for removing the links from those post.
To bad for them...
Blogger says :
"We are asking that you please remove the allegedly infringing content inSo you have 3 days to download this albums.
your blog. If you do not do this within the next 3 days (by 1/10/08), we
will be forced to remove the posts in question. If we did not do so, we
would be subject to a claim of copyright infringement, regardless of its
I'm not removing anything...before those 3 days.
If someone want from us to remove a link from the blog, he have to contact me,
and I'll do it...but not in this way.
[#230426472] Blogger DMCA Complaint received
Allegedly infringes upon the copyrights of others. The content in question
is located in the following posts:
The notice that we received, will be posted online by a service called Chilling
Effects at We do this
in accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Please
note that it may take Chilling Effects up to several weeks to post the
notice online at the link provided.
The Blogger Team
Sunday, January 06, 2008
These Trails - 1973 - These Trails
Tracks :
01. These Trails
02. Our House In Hanalei
03. Of Broken Links
04. El Rey Pescador
05. Psyche I & Share Your Water
06. Hello Lou
07. Rusty's House & Los In Space
08. Psyche II
09. Sowed A Seed
10. Rapt Attention
11. Waipoo
12. Garden Botanum

~by Simon Allen
Get It Here :
Saturday, January 05, 2008
Grapefruit - Around Grapefruit [1968]

Track list;
01 - Another Game
02 - Yesterday's Sunshine
03 - Elevator
04 - Yes
05 - C'mon Marianne
06 - Lullaby
07 - Round Going Round
08 - Dear Delilah
09 - This Little Man
10 - Ain't It Good
11 - Theme For Twiggy
12 - Someday
13 - Dead Boot
Style; Psychedelic Pop
7 X 7 is - U.S. Garage singles pt.8

All-girl band from Minneapolis, Clams with a couple of rock'n'rollers from 1987, 'recorded on a tascam four track in mark's basement'. They released a 12' also in Imaginary and a 7' in another Mpls label, Susstones. According to John Dougan (AMG) (who obviously was a fan) "Live they were sensational, with Lawson exuding pure attitude and lead guitarist Roxie Terry (the coolest rock chick ever!) striking an alluring Joan Jett-ish pose that made her a rock goddess come to life."

Friday, January 04, 2008
Albatross - 1973 - A Breath Of Fresh Air

1."Full Moon"
2. "The Drowning Song"
3. "Escher's Door"
4. "Drop Me a Line"
5. "Bouzouki Boogie"
6. "A Breath of Fresh Air"
Side 2:
1. "The Games Cards Play"
2. "Nimbin Stopover"
3. "Mermaid"
4. "A Message to You"
5. "Seashell Secrets"
6. "Wings Of The Albatross"

While bands like The Aztecs and The La De Das and were mining the rich veins of blues, boogie and heavy rock, Albatross took a different tack, exploring a mellower, acoustically-based style that was a development from the quieter side of Tamam Shud's Shud's progressive/psychedelic sound. Albatross' music incorporated elements of folk and country music, as were a number of other contemporary Australian groups like Country Radio, The Flying Circus and The Dingoes. Lyrically, the band's material continued Bjerre's concerns with sprituality, nature and environmental issues.
The band's home-base was on Sydney's northern beaches, and during the year of its existence Albatross played regularly at the Memorial Hall in the Sydney beachside suburb of Mona Vale. In early 1973 the band was augmented by Lindsay's wife Simone on vocals and in April they were joined by multi-instrumentalist Richard Lockwood, formerly of Tully, who had also played with the last version of Tamam Shud.
This augmented lineup recorded the group's only LP, A Breath Of Fresh Air (Warner Reprise), which also included session contributions from Gary Frederick (slide guitar), Pirana organist Keith Greig and Chris Blanchflower (harmonica). It's a fine album, and long overdue for reissue. Bjerre's unusual voice is perhaps an acquired taste but the album is full of excellent material, beautifully played and very well recorded. The pacy opening track "Full Moon", a road song opens with an innovative string arrangement and features some heavier sounds that recall Tamam Shud, and it's decorated with some very tasty "Layla"-style slide guitar from Fredericks. Other highlights include the rollicking "Bouzouki Boogie" and "Nimbin Stopover", a commemmoration in song of the 1973 Aquarius Festival, which features the inimitable harmonica stylings of the great Chris Blanchflower (Country Radio).
Another sought-after Warner album from this period, Total Union by Band Of Light, has been recently reissued by Gil Matthews' Aztec Music label, so there is some hope that the Albatross album will eventually be remastered and re-released on CD. Meanwhile, the original LP -- which presumably sold few copies -- has become highly collectible, with copies now changing hands for over $100.
Albatross gained important exposure with a prestigious support spot on Frank Zappa's his first Australian tour, but the band did not last out the year, and had already broken up by the time the LP was released in November.
Lindsay Bjerre spent the next few years pursuing spiritual interests and travelling; he also wrote a (never-performed) rock opera and studied mime in England with theatrical legend Lindsay Kemp. He re-emerged in 1977, with a new performance persona, simply called Bjerre, and with support from Countdown he scored a surprise hit with the single "She Taught Me How To Love Again".
Get It Here
Bill Fay
A brilliant lost set from singer Bill Fay -- recorded in baroque brilliance that rivals the late 60s work of Scott Walker! Like Walker, Fay's as much a poet as he is a singer -- and also like Walker, he's got the great fortune here to be working with some excellent arrangements -- handled by British jazzman Michael Gibbs, and featuring some excellent guitar work from Ray Russell. Fay's style is slightly folksy at times, with echoes of Leonard Cohen somewhere in the mix -- but his overall vision is far more elaborate, and carried off here to perfection in a rare kind of "once in a career" record that still holds up beautifully today!
Get It Here :
Bill Fay - From The Bottom Of An Old Grandfather Clock
(Demos & Outtakes 1966-1970)

Get It Here :
Bio :
Obscure British singer/songwriter Bill Fay made a couple of albums in the early '70s that matched Dylanesque songwriting with unusual arrangements. Fay had actually done his first single, "Some Good Advice"/"Screams in the Ears," for Deram back in 1967, produced by early Donovan co-manager Peter Eden. The single introduced his characteristic downbeat melodies and scrambled impressionistic lyrics, though with somewhat more pop-oriented production and melodies than those heard on his albums.
It wouldn't be until 1970 that his self-titled debut appeared. Bill Fay is an odd and not particularly good record, in large part because his songwriting has the obvious ambition of song-poets like Bob Dylan and Leonard Cohen, but not nearly as much talent. His hoarse, thin singing is also obviously Dylan-influenced, but like fellow Dylan acolyte David Blue, he had the tendency to go distressingly off-key. There was a bit of the British lilting storytelling style to his songwriting, in the path of Al Stewart, Donovan, and Nick Drake, but these traits were far subordinate to the inchoate Dylanisms. Twee orchestral arrangements figure strongly on the record, as if to cover up for some of the artist's vocal deficiencies. His second LP, Time of the Last Persecution (from 1971), was similar in its songwriting, but far more straightforward and rock-oriented in its production, and more conventionally accomplished in its vocal delivery. Though still not noteworthy, it was definitely better than its predecessor, and sometimes enlivened by unexpectedly gnarly rock guitar.
~Richie Unterberger, All Music Guide
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Various Artists - Maidens In The Moor Lay Vol. III
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Blues Magoos
At this time they were managed by Marvin Lagenoff...who supposedly had also managed Eydie Gorme earlier on...the man that had changed their moniker to The Bloos Magoos (Magoo was short for Moo Goo Gai Pan; he'd supposedly been eating this at a Chinese restaurant). It was from there that they'd set about recording. In October of that year, they'd signed with MGM's Verve subsidiary and recorded a double-sided single, 'So I'm Wrong And You Are Right'/'The People Had No Faces', the former penned by Rick Shorter (along with Bobby Hebb and Richie Havens one of the few black musicians involved with folk music), the latter a Scala/Castro composition.
Meanwhile, in Greenwich Village, they'd met up with the two men who would become the definitive lead guitarist and drummer, Mike Esposito and Geoff Daking (who, after a rift between Scala/Castro/Gilbert and Finnegan/Lapore, a la Pete Best, promptly replaced the latter) and the management team of Bob Wyld and Art Polhemus. It was with this aggregation that they began recording in November for Mercury Records, the first effort being another double-sided single, John Loudermilk's 'Tobacco Road', backed with 'Sometimes I Think About' (a/k/a 'Willie Jean'), a traditional Negro folk ballad about a condemned man set to a blues style. Due to the over-three-minute length of the former and the subject matter (however subdued) of the latter, the single received limited airplay. And I would guess that the actual composer of the latter was the condemned man.
No one will know for sure, especially considering that until the '30s no black writers could even obtain copyrights. 'Sometimes...' was written decades before. Then in 1966, while the group was playing at The Chessmate Club in Detroit, came the breakthrough. A DJ on station CKLW played '(We Ain't Got) Nothin' Yet' one afternoon and caused a Nationwide deluge!!! In a short time every station was playing it and it eventually reached ..5 in 1967. 'Nothin' Yet' was backed with an earlier version of 'Gotta Get Away', another song that appeared on their PSYCHEDELIC LOLLIPOP album, also released in '66.

Watch them here : clip 1 ~ clip 2
Download Them Here :
Psychedelic Lollipop
Electric Comic Book
Basic Blues Magoos
Never Goin' Back to Georgia
Gulf Coast Bound
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Roger Humphreys - 1996 - Beyond the Wall of Sleep

"Beyond the Wall of Sleep" via RapidShare.
This album was never available in shops. Sold about 500 copies back in the day through record collector's catalogues. I hope to put more of my music on this page soon.
Thanks, Roger Humphreys.
Link to download:
The Vietnam Veterans

"Don't Try To Walk On Me" and "Dreams Of Today."

Mark Enbatta (Guitar & Vocals) Greg Jones (Guitar) Angelo Jupp (Bass)
Steve Palermo (Drums) Lucas Trouble (Keyboards) D.D. Richardson (Harmonica)
Tracks :
1. Don't Try To Walk On Me 2. Dreams Of Today
3. I Can Only Give You Everything 4. You're Gonna Fall
5. I Walked With A Zombie 6. Back From Hell
7. Out From The Night 8. Critics 9. That's Love
10. Dogs 11. Hey Gyp 12. Right Track Now
Get It Here (mp3) :
On the second LP "Crawfish for the Notary" (1984), there is a little change, Steve Palermo and D.D. Richardson left the band and Martin Joyce became the new drummer of the Vietnam Veterans. That should be the final formation of this band. "Crawfish for the Notary", was recorded in the same studio as "On The Right Track Now", but it was done in three weeks so it had a much better sound quality to it. It also contains some of the bands' best songs: "Children Eyes," "What Are You Hiding," "I Give You My Life" and more.

Mark Enbatta (Guitar & Vocals) Greg Jones (Guitar)
Angelo Jupp (Bass) Martin Joyce (Drums) Lucas Trouble (Keyboards)
Tracks :
1. Burning Temples 2. I Heard The Wind Blow
3. I Give You My Life 4. Children Eyes 5. My Trip 6. Liars
7. Is This Really The Time 8. What Are You Hiding
9. Masters Of Time 10. This Life Is Your Life 11. Gary Cooper's Trip
Get It Here (m4a) :
Get It Here (mp3) :
RapidShare or SendSpace
Not long and the third LP "Green Peas" (1985) was released, a record featuring the band's first two live gigs in Germany. This album features the best songs from the first two albums and had other songs that were completely improvised on the stage during the show- more proof of the band's unique chemistry. It's the best album to start with for someone who wants to learn about the Vets.

Mark Enbatta (Guitar & Vocals) Greg Jones (Guitar)
Angelo Jupp (Bass) Martin Joyce (Drums) Lucas Trouble (Keyboards)
Tracks :
1. You're Gonna Fall 2. Dreams Of Today 3. Curanderos 4. Dogs
5. Liars 6. Critics 7. Wrinkle Drawer 8. Tower Of Babel
9. What Are You Hiding 10. Is This Really The Time
11. Don't Try To Walk On Me 12. Out From The Night
13. The Trip 14. Dreams Of Today 15. Peas On Earth
Get It Here (mp3) :

Mark Enbatta (Guitar & Vocals) Greg Jones (Guitar)
Angelo Jupp (Bass) Martin Joyce (Drums) Lucas Trouble (Keyboards)
Tracks :
1. Let It Rain 2. Ancient Times 3. Curanderos
4. Everywhere Is My Nation 5. Run Baby Run 6. Tower Of Bablel
7. Three Months Every Year 8. Wrinkle Drawer 9. Next Year
10. Crooked Dealers 11. Safety Razors
Get It Here (m4a) :
Get It Here (mp3) :
RapidShare or SendSpace
"Catfish Eyes And Tales" was released in 1987 and provide to be the last Vets album. It's a special album which contains the piece, "Medley," was built out of three connected songs: "Distant Drums," "Sea Horse" and a cover of the late David McWilliams's song "The Days Of Pearly Spencer."

Mark Enbatta (Guitar & Vocals) Greg Jones (Guitar)
Angelo Jupp (Bass) Martin Joyce (Drums) Lucas Trouble (Keyboards)
Tracks :
1 Dead Breams Don't Bite 2 Southern Comfort 3 Maybe You Think
4 Time Is The Worst 5 Crying 6 Catfish Eyes And Tales
07 Medley : a.Distant Drums b.Sea Horse c.Days Of Pearly Spencer
Get It Here (m4a) :
Get It Here (mp3) :
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Before the band broke up, another album was released. "The Days Of Pearly Spencer" (1988) is a collection of unreleased songs and better versions of songs from the first two LP's. It also contains a live version of "The Trip" with strange people joining them on stage.

Mark Enbatta (Guitar & Vocals) Greg Jones (Guitar)
Angelo Jupp (Bass) Martin Joyce (Drums) Lucas Trouble (Keyboards)
Tracks :
1. The Days Of Pearly Spencer 2. 500 Miles 3. Is This Really The Time
4. Burning Temples 5. Don't Try To Walk On Me 6. Dogs
7. You're Gonna Fall 8. Dreams Of Today 9. Be My Baby 10. The Trip
Get It Here (mp3) :
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Happy Neo-Psychedelic Year !!!
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